Who We Are

As a family of hope, we share in the view that our Lord

Desire mercy and not just a sacrifice, as it is written in His word that, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward them for what they have done” (Prov. 19:17).

Our mission of spreading the gospel around the globe, has brought us to so many people notwithstanding their religious background and beliefs living under the threats of illiteracy, homelessness, neglect, civil wars, forceful displacement, poverty, hunger, economic hardship, diseases and plight of orphans/children all over the world and are concerned over their conditions.

What do we do around the world


The advancement of Education is on top The Brooks of life Family priorities, by building and rebuilding the depilated schools, and providing funds, information and other resource materials to the underserved, poor rural village and community based schools.

Through our Brooks Of Life children’s program we have managed to help many children who are now mature and self indolence.

We strongly believe that with the help of our ministry partners and donors, and well wishers we will be able to help both children and young people without hope for tomorrow to reach their full potential.

We believe that knowledge is power, so in order to build a healthy and a bright future work force for our tomorrow leaders, we need to help them acquire knowledge through education. Promoting, literacy and numeracy skill (remedial education) for the underprivileged, teachers and programme development.

We also need to intensify education about health condition in our various communities who are suffering from a lack of healthcare education.

The BOL Family Mission Statement

The Brooks of Life Family Church  is called to teach and preach in accordance with our Tenets of Faith in such ways and in such parts of the United Kingdom and the world, as commission in Matthew 28:19-20, “ Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen”.

  • We actively pursue community Cohesion and the advancement of the Christian faith in our community and the world through Media technology.
  • Promote community cohesion through traditional African and contemporary gospel music, workshops, counselling sessions, teaching and preaching of the word of God
  • We serve with compassion to the less privilege in our community, listening and uplifting the individual members.
  • Every individual has great value to Brooks of Life Family Church
  • Raising, preparing and ordaining potential qualified members into leadership, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12-13 ESV).
  • With respect and dignity, we help and support vulnerable children and young people who are struggling in their education by organising after school homework club and other musical events/workshops.
  • We regularly serve the community through liberation and healing services.
  • With the help of our volunteer workers, we aim to build a community school that does not only embrace change, but initiate it with other local charity organisations to present the message of hope in a contemporary and appropriate way.
  • We defend, safeguard and protect the children, young people and vulnerable women in our community through our network of programmes and services with the help of our volunteers.

The BOLC Family Objectives

The advancement of the Christian faith, the word of God and the full gospel of the lord Jesus Christ in accordance with the Tenets of Faith in such ways and in such parts of the United Kingdom and the world as the trustees may from time to time determine.

Such charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees may from time to time determine.”

Our Vision Statements

The BOLC Family vision is to preach the undiluted word of God to all nations, train, equip, and raise Godly leaders through our Core Values of Grace, Love and Truth. Conducting deliverance, healing the sick and the afflicted in accordance to the steps prescribed by Our Lord Jesus Christ as Contained in the Holy Bible.

  • Strengthen and establish Churches where there is none.
  • Support and build vocational colleges in the deprived communities.
  • Reach out to the poor and the needy in our Society.
  • Reach out to the deaf impaired children
  • Support, equip and empower women and girls